
EC‐BIAS‐P High Power Pulsed Bias Network 600 MHz to 5 GHz

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $45.00.

The EC-BIAS-P is a high performance bias tee network for pulsed bias applications.  This pulsed bias network can be used for transistor characterization test and measurement as well as for pulsed amplifier development.  The pulsed bias network has three ports:  RF, DC and RF+DC.  The RF port passes RF (“AC”), the DC port is used to feed DC, and the RF+DC (“AC+DC”) port presents the combined signal to the device.  The EC-BIAS-P can handle DC voltages up to 200V and DC currents up to 1A.  Therefore, it is suitable for biasing high power transistor devices like GaN HEMTs.  The EC-BIAS-P can also be used for static DC biasing.

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The EC-BIAS-P is a high performance bias tee network for pulsed bias applications. This pulsed bias network can be used for transistor characterization test and measurement as well as for pulsed amplifier development. The pulsed bias network has three ports: RF, DC and RF+DC. The RF port passes RF (“AC”), the DC port is used to feed DC, and the RF+DC (“AC+DC”) port presents the combined signal to the device. The EC-BIAS-P can handle DC voltages up to 200 V and DC currents up to 1 A. Therefore, it is suitable for biasing high power transistor devices like GaN HEMTs. The EC-BIAS-P can also be used for static DC biasing.
The EC-BIAS-P’s RF-to-RF+DC path operates from 600 MHz to 5 GHz when considering a maximum insertion loss of 1 dB and minimum return loss of 10 dB. The DC-to-RF and DC-to-RF+DC isolation is > 10dB from 0.817 GHz to 5.0 GHz.
The EC-BIAS-P has excellent DC-to-RF+DC pulse performance exhibiting minimal pulse distortion from pulses with as low as 7 ns rise time. The pulse propagation delay from DC-to-RF+DC is 1.2 ns. The EC-BIAS-P also exhibits minimal distortion for pulsed RF inputs.


Parameter Test Cond. Val.
Impedance 50 Ohm
Operating Frequency IL < 1dB 0.60 to 5.0 GHz
VSWR 0.6 to 5 GHz 1.25
Return Loss 0.05 to 5 GHz 10 dB max
0.711 to 3.925 20 dB max
Insertion loss 0.6 to 5 GHz 0.3 dB
Isolation 0.817 to 5 GHz 10 dB min
1.888 to 5 GHz 20 dB min
Pulse prop. delay DC to RF+DC port 1.2 ns
DC port voltage 200 VDC/pulsed
DC port current 1 ADC



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